Desserts and Drinks

Sweet Tea

Sweet tea is very easy to make. Everyone has their own way of making it. I make it several times a week for my kids, especially Logan. Here is how I make it and what brand I use. Enjoy!

Ingredients that you will need:

8 cups of water

1 gallon size pitcher

1 gallon size Luzianne Tea bag

2 cups of sugar


Begin by putting 8 cups of water into your pot. Bring that water to a   boil on high.

When the water is at the rolling boil stage, turn it off. Keep it on the eye though. Next, add your gallon size tea bag. Leave in water for 5 minutes.

After you have waited 5 minutes, carefully take out the tea bag and pour the tea into your jug. Then, fill your jug up the rest of the way with cold water. Then, add 2 cups of sugar and stir. It will be a little warm still at this point, so put in the fridge to cool or drink warm like Logan likes to do! 😀 

*Some people will add sugar to the hot tea before adding the cool water to help sugar dissolve. I have never had problems with the sugar though.*


Easy Strawberry Cobbler

This  cobbler is very easy to make and doesn't take many ingredients. You can use whatever kind of fruit (berry) you want as long as you cut it into small pieces. It is a hit at our house and always can be thrown together quickly for dessert on any night. Make this and add some vanilla ice cream! Yum!

Ingredients you will need:

2 cups of strawberries (or your choice)

1 stick of butter

2 cups of sugar

2 cups of Self Rising Flour

1 cup of milk


The first thing you will do is melt your stick of butter in the microwave for 30 seconds. Then, place it in you 13X9 dish. 

Next, chop your fruit into small pieces. Then, pour 1 cup of sugar in the fruit. Mix sugar and fruit together and set aside. 

Now, get your batter ready. Mix 1 cup of sugar, 1 cup of milk, 2 cups of flour together with no lumps and pour into your dish

Finally, spoon the fruit mixture onto your batter. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 25-30 minutes. 

You can top with butter and sugar while it cools. I always add a scoop of vanilla ice cream to it as well when it is served. 


Try making this! You will enjoy it!

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